Monday, April 04, 2005

All that's "left" is the whining about Iraq

Alot of mainstream media outlets and left of center commentators have been talking about how the Iraqis have been taking a while to build a government. It's been two months, and they're sorting out the messy details of forming a government, and picking the right people to head the right positions.

And they're complaining about it being two months since the elections.


I wish someone would thwack them upside the head......and remind them how long it took this very country to get the American Constitution. Anyone remember the boondoggle that was the Articles of Confederation? That lasted until 1789. And the Continential American Army defeated Cornwallis at Yorktown in 1780 (the treaty wasn't ratified until the following year, and the last British troops left New York in 1783).......and 9 years later, they finally had an effective government. I'm not even touching the French Revolution and THAT fallout.

It takes time to build a government. It won't take as long as it took some guys named Franklin, Washington, Hamilton, and Jefferson, but the Allawis will get it done, sooner than later.

And what will the whiners have to say then, when they shift their attention to yet another topic? They thought Operation Iraqi Freedom was going to be Black Hawk Down 2.....oops.
They thought that the terrorist insurgency was going to make Iraq another Vietnam....nope.
They think that the Iraqis can't get a constitution in order (why, btw? Because they're......Arabic? Lord, think of the racial overtones of their thinking!)

Methinks they'll realize they've hit rock bottom when they start complaining about the color of the paint in Iraqi municipal buildings. Heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good site, valid opinion, get spam blocker on your comments section

1:06 PM  

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